Thursday, January 28, 2016

What is Social Media Marketing and SEO?

What Is Social Media Marketing and SEO?

Social media marketing refers to 

the process of gaining traffic or 

attention through social media 

SEO stands for “search engine optimization.” It is the process of getting traffic from the “free,” “organic,” “editorial” or “natural” search results on search engines.
How Are SEO & Social Media Marketing

Why would a search marketer or a site about search 

engines care about social media? The two are very 

closely related. Social media itself is a catch all term 

for sites that may provide radically different social 

actions. For instance, Twitter is a social site designed to 

let people share short messages or “updates” with 

others. Facebook, in contrast is a full-blown 

social networking site that allows for sharing updates, 

photos, joining events and a variety of other 

activities. Social media often feeds into the discovery of 

new content such as news stories, and “discovery” is a 

search activity. Social media can also help build links that 

in turn support into SEO efforts. Many people also 

perform searches at social media sites to find social 

media content. Social connections may also impact 

the relevancy of some search results, either within a 

social media network or at a mainstream’ search engine.

All major search engines such as Google, Bing, 
and Yahoo have primary search results, where web 
pages and other content such as videos or local listings 
are shown and ranked based on what the search engine 
considers most relevant to users. Payment isn’t 
involved, as it is with paid search ads.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

12 Effective Tips to Protect Your Website from Hackers

Making your website live is like unlocking the door to your premises with your office and safe open: Most of the people who visit your physical building will never even know that all of your data is there to discover just by walking in. Occasionally you will find someone with malicious intent who will walk in and steal your data. That is why you have locks on doors and safes.
Your website is just the same, except that you will never see anyone come in unless you have protection systems in place. Electronic thieves are invisible and fast., searching for your website for details of customers’ accounts, especially for their credit card information. You have a legal obligation to protect this data from theft and to report security breaches that occur.
Theft is not the only thing on the mind of a hacker: Sheer destruction is a major motivator. Hackers may want to destroy all your records, put a sick message on your customers’ screens or just destroy your reputation.
You can never undo the damage done by a hacker, you can take steps to prevent it. Even the most basic protection will discourage many hackers enough to make them go looking for easier pickings elsewhere. Thieves are likelier to steal from people who leave their doors unlocked.

1. Stay updated.

You need to stay up to date with hacking threats. If you have at least a basic knowledge of what is possible then you can protect your website against it. Follow updates at a tech site such as The Hacker News. Use the information you gain to put fresh precautions in place when necessary.

2. Toughen up access control.

The admin level of your website is an easy way into everything you do not want a hacker to see. Enforce user names and passwords that can not be guessed. Change the default database prefix to something random and harder to guess. Limit the number of login attempts within a certain time, even with password resets, because email accounts can be hacked as well. Never send login details by email, in case an unauthorized user has gained access to the account.

3. Update everything.

Updates cost software companies money. They only do it when necessary, yet many people who use the software do not install updates immediately. If the reason behind the update is a security vulnerability, delaying an update exposes you to attack in the interim period. Hackers can scan thousands of websites an hour looking for vulnerabilities that will allow them to break in. They network like crazy, so if one hacker knows how to get into a program then hundreds of hackers will know as well.

4. Tighten network security.

Computer users in your office may be inadvertently providing an easy access route to your website servers. Ensure that:
  • Logins expire after a short period of inactivity.
  • Passwords are changed frequently.
  • Passwords are strong and NEVER written down.
  • All devices plugged into the network are scanned for malware each time they are attached.
Ever since I founded CarlDewayneJr, we've had to watch our network security on a minute-by-minute basis not to be hacked. 

5. Install a web application firewall.

A web application firewall (WAF) can be software or hardware based. It sets between your website server and the data connection and reads every bit of data passing through it.
Most of the modern WAFs are cloud based and provided as a plug-and-play service, for a modest monthly subscription fee. Basically, the cloud service is deployed in front of your server, where it serves as a gateway for all incoming traffic. Once installed, web application firewall provides complete peace of mind, by blocking all hacking attempts and also filtering out other types of unwanted traffic, like spammers and malicious bots. 

6. Install security applications.

While not as effective as a full blown WAF, there are some free and paid for security applications that you can install that will make life a bit more difficult for hackers. In fact, even some free plugins such as can provide an additional level of protection. By doing so this tool makes you more resilient against automated hacking tools that scout the web.

7. Hide admin pages.

You do not want your admin pages to be indexed by search engines, so you should use the robots_txt file to discourage search engines from listing them. If they are not indexed then they are harder for hackers to find. This tutorial from is all the help you will need.

8. Limit file uploads.

File uploads are a major concern. No matter how thoroughly the system checks them out, bugs can still get through and allow a hacker unlimited access to your site’s data. The best solution is to prevent direct access to any uploaded files. Store them outside the root directory and use a script to access them when necessary. Your web host will probably help you to set this up.

9. Use SSL.

Use an encrypted SSL protocol to transfer users’ personal information between the website and your database. This will prevent the information being read in transit and accesses without the proper authority.

10. Remove form auto-fill.

When you leave auto-fill enabled for forms on your website, you leave it vulnerable to attack from any user’s computer or phone that has been stolen. You should never expose your website to attacks that utilize the laziness of a legitimate user.

11. Back-up frequently.

Just in case the worst happens anyway, keep everything backed-up. Back up on-site, back up off-site, back up everything multiple times a day. Every time a user saves a file it should automatically back up in multiple locations. Backing up once a day means that you lose that day’s data when your hard drive fails. Remember every hard drive will fail.

12. You can't hide your code.

You can buy software that says it will hide the code on your webpages. It doesn’t work. Browsers need access to your code in order to render your website pages, so there are simple ways to get around web-page “encryption.”
Disabling “right-click” as a way to view your website code is annoying to users because it also disables every other “right-click” function, and there are simple workarounds that every hacker knows anyway.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Why Is Context Queen?

Why Is Context Queen?

You know that content is king and with every king comes a supporting queen. So, who is that queen? Context, and as the Queen she protects that throne very well. Context is used when you speak in the voice that attracts who you are writing to. Without context, your content might not be as relevant. Let’s recap on the Content King. Content is the message your inbound marketing strategy delivers. The right content specifies one goal per page. If you are making a page about your company’s services, then the content should only be about services. You know what content to write based on your target personas and what solutions they are looking for. This also applies to context. Why is Context Queen? It is important to know the demographic of your target personas so you know how to talk to your audience and get their attention. If you are targeting people who stay at home and take care of their kids, speak on a level that applies to them. If you are targeting people in businesses, you want to speak in a voice where you sound clear and professional. Know the needs and wants of your target audience so you can deliver them the right content with the right context.

What Makes Context Queen

There are a number of reasons as to why context heirs the throne as queen. Context, along with content, is what is needed to distribute the right information at the right time. Sending the right context and content at the right time is an important factor. The objective is to publish content at a time that benefits your target persona. So, if you are targeting personas who work during the day, you have to know when they go on the certain websites that you are publishing on. Usually, working people go on Facebook in the morning, during lunch time and in the late afternoon. By scheduling posts at those times, will increase the chances of your target persona seeing the post and paying attention to it. Timing would not mean anything if you aren’t distributing your content right. You could have the best content written with remarkable context that appeals to your target audience, but if it’s not distributed properly, how will they see it? One of the characteristics you must know about your target personas is what sites will they look to find information on. Do they respond well to blogs? Which social media platforms do they use? You need to distribute your content to the right sites so your target audience sees them. Context also applies to the different stages of the buyer’s journey. Writing in a voice that targets your audience and personalizes it to the correct stage of the buyer’s journey will help close leads into customers. For example, if you are trying to reach out to someone in the consideration stage, then your context and content should relate only to the consideration stage. This person has identified a problem or opportunity and is considering your company to be that solution to the problem or opportunity. So addressing them with the right context will best convince them that your company is the solution. The Content King cannot run his royal marketing kingdom without the Context Queen. Know how to speak to your target audience that benefits them instead of selling your product or service. Why is context queen? Context practices help you distribute and connect with your target audience at the right time.